
Report from Dirtfest 2011

The sun finally broke out and made this weekend perfect at Raystown. VMB continued our tradition of holding our own at the festivities then completing a 20+ mile group ride the next day! Lots of laughs and great riding.

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Tice Medellin Thanksgiving Ride

This foggy morning mountain ride photo is from the 20th annual Medellin Tice Thanksgiving day ride. Look at all the turkeys that showed up. Pretty cool community we have here.

Eichlin (hard head racer in red helmet) asked the crowd "Who can take me here -- I own this place?!" Everyone kind of backed off, except for young Gabriel here, ready stomp the crap out of Bob with a rolling beat-down (which he did do). Bernie also raise his hand, but we all know he was talking sh!t...

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