Coping with a power outage.....

Day 4 with no power, thanks to Sandy. Blum 3
Work in Doylestown is shut down except for the office workers. I stopped in and there is a generator with extension cords running down the hallways.....I followed them to see who was at the ends......reminds me of the old CCR-guy video...wth is his name??
Home life is ok. Water stored in 55 gal drums, cooking on a gas grill, heat with a wood stove, but boredom sets in at sundown
First I dug up the transistor radio I bought when I was 10.....a fresh 9v batterty, and it works! After day 2, I upgraded to a car battery in my living room
Connected to old car rocks! ! Reminds me of my college days, but without the bong. Smile Plan B is reading a book, which is real nice, since I generally don' t otherwise have the time ...but the 4 Dewalt power- tool batteries I use for light are dying. Hoping to get a few more hours tonight.
Lessons learned:
Typing on a cell phone sucks
Water stored in old milk jugs smells like....old milk. But a few drops of bleach helps.
It' s tough to cook a frozen pizza on a gas grill.
I love my wood stove!
Some people can deal with a dead traffic light, some don't have a clue.....they're dangerous!

So how is everyone else making out??