Valley Mountain Bikers Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, October 10, 2012
The October dual Board/General Membership meeting was held in the ATLSS Building at Lehigh University. In attendance were:
Kimberly Hedrick
Jon Roth
Greg Horwath
Rich Butz
Bob Workman
Mark Woodhead
Don Kelly
Jason Shivok
Robin Hendricks
Andrew Budick
Scott Stortz (arrived later)
Doug Pinkerton (arrived later)
The Board meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM. We did not have a quorum of Board members, so the meeting adjourned to have the General Membership Meeting.
The General Meeting was called to order at 7:25.
Main Order of Biz: Proposals for the plans, to be developed by professional trailbuilders, for the next trailbuilding phase at Trex.
DCNR is not up for the probable $15000 the plan will cost, they may have $8000-9000 in grants lined up. IMBA costs $15k minimum, what’s plan B? There are several other organizations who may have less professional presentation and branding than IMBA but who do build good trails.
We’ll likely have several bidders, so we’ll need an RFQ (“request for quote”), laying out the scope of the project, which will include: meeting with county officials, several days on site, development of a plan (including flagging) for a certain mileage of trails in a specified area. One thing required in the plan will be a provision for vegetation management, and a possible option we might ask for: some plan for using/rebuilding the “Border Trail” (which was not originally meant to be a trail, but an access for fence building), making it more sustainable. Bob W felt that club money may be better spent by paying for Mechanized Trailbuilding Training for one or more volunteers among the membership. We could possibly have this as an option in the RFQ.
(We need to flesh all this out with the county first; Lorne will be at the November meeting. Maybe Greg can be point man for grant applications. Maybe we should also talk to someone on the Trexler Trust.)
Consensus is that Greg will write an RFQ, and we’ll hammer out the details at the next meeting.
Scott and Doug arrive, and we now have a quorum for the Board Meeting.
Motion to temp adjourn the General Meeting. Seconded, carried.
Board Meeting reconvened with quorum:
Motion to replace VP with Jon Roth under sect 5.7 of Bylaws: Motion seconded, carried.
Board Meeting adjourned.
Membership meeting reconvened.
Motion: confirm Jon Roth as new Vice President. Seconded, carried.
Nockamixon: Draining of South Park Loop: ¾ done on mudholes. Berms are being built where required on Hammer. Trail posts: cedar posts have been acquired, and after paint is acquired they will be routed, painted and installed. Rocks have been put placed on upper EWR for later installation. Parking lot will be expanded (doubled) at Tower Road, with construction donated by a company called Salvetta. A new kiosk to be put in place at the Tower Road lot, with the old one going to the trailhead on Rt 563. Flagging will be done soon (when rainy season starts) out under the bridge to the 3-mile loop. This leads to another area of the park, with a more challenging trailbuilding environment. There is a new multi-state trail system, the Highland Trail, currently in the planning stage, and one of the possible routes under consideration may pass close to Nox.
Some upcoming Nox events:
TAKMTBD (10/7) things are in place, except food which is not a priority. (As a side note: next year we should plan for Jordan on Saturday and Nox on Sunday.)
Poker run on 10/28. Things look good. Insurance already in place.
Trex: Most things were covered earlier. Trex may be closed on specific hunting days, there is hunting even where we ride. Greg will find out closed dates.
Sals: Nothing to report, except that rocks have been removed again.
We have $4566.25 in our regular bank account, and $4760.22 in the Paypal account. We have 218 active paying members
Endurorama brought in a big chunk of money ($4777, less approx $1103 in expenses, and an additional $300 more for expenses not yet posted). Club insurance is due soon.
As a side note: website traffic is down 50% since last year, after it was locked down. Maybe have things open up again, especially read-only for trails and trail conditions. We may need volunteers (maybe trail committee members?) to keep trail conditions. Greg will talk to Bob about how this may be set up.
Banner: get another one – Mark will do this. We should also look into getting a pop-up with club logo.
Pres: Jon Roth (seconded). Renee (seconded).
VP: Andrew (declined).
Treas: Jason (seconded).
Secy: Don (seconded).
Meeting adjourned 8:45.