On the Orange blaze trail between sign posts 3 and 4. You'll see it just about the lowest point on that trail heading down hill into the AO towards the covered bridge. I think I can see a pink tape marker on the uphill side of the trail from the tape i placed. If you come up the trail from the bridge you'll see an orange tape on your left about 3/4 of the way up.
Mainly, I cut in enough to walk and see the terrain a little better. Taped a rough path. It's thick as shit through there. There are some hardwood snags that follow the contour of the hillside you can follow that line to cross the trail leading up from the covered bridge. On the other side it's pretty open, mostly hardwood, mostly alive. The AO has a distinct edge that follows a natural bench there, it would be nice to build trail above that if we can but it's a narrow strip between that and way steep sideslope.
I can imagine singletrack leading down that contour to connect with fireman's at a high point on that trail.
That's all I've got on that for now.