"Hey all, with just a few days before the big event, I'm attempting to make sure we're prepared.
I'm listing these off the top of my head and I'm sure there are things I'm thinking of.
I understand that VMB will buy food by Friday (dogs/burgers/veggie option). Eric has volunteered (see below) to pick up and help cook. We need more cooks/grills.
I think we're in agreement that we will request donations to cover the food so the club does not get stuck with the bill for this.
Renee & Hope also mentioned the idea of people bringing baked goods. Can someone post this to general membership to see if anyone is willing?
I learned tonight that the ribbon cutting is currently proposed for Tower Road, while parking/cooking will happen at the boat launch. Give the distance between the locations, I think this is a bad idea. I feel strongly that we need everything to happen in one place.
Hope seems to have the ride situation sorted out. I think it's a good idea to have others lined up to help with anything that may arise — like parking, raffle tickets, donations, registration, etc.
Can someone post this to general membership to see if anyone is willing?
Someone needs to figure out where these will be set up:
station with RIDE WAIVERS/helmet check, etc.
I understand there are five bike shops coming. Need to figure those locations.
Meeting points for the different organized rides.
Raffle ticket sales.
Food with donation collection evident
Other stuff I'm not thinking of?
Not sure how PMBA is plugging in. Will there be volunteers from PMBA? Anything else?
If you have other questions/concerns please reply-all and add it."
- We Have
- 100 hot dog buns and 100 burger rolls from Karen
- 3 cases of water/ 1 case of soda Doug/Lori
- Baked goodies
-Karen chocolate covered pretzel sticks, and brownies and peanut butter sandwiches
-Lisa R cookies, muffins, coffee for volunteers
-Renee G cupcakes
-Hope Pasta salad w/veggies, also baking something
Jen S. Bean dip salad
-We Need ( based on a low estimate of 100 participants)(75 people are signed up not including spouses and kids or the 25 or so people representing the bike shops)
-100 hotdogs/ 100 burgers
-25 veggie things
-condiments, drinks, napkins, plates, plastic ware, trash bags
The ribbon cutting is a photo op for DCNR (the Director of Pennsylvania State Parks may be there) and needs to take place at the trailhead at Tower Road. We can however have a mock ribbon cutting so Doug's head doesn't explode and to get the riders on the trail early. We will try to get as many people on bikes to ride to the trailhead for the official ribbon cutting. @ 15 min ride.
-See volunteer thread
- Signed up for ride leaders so far. Hope, Don beg/int, Jessica N. beg/int, Jen S. ladies ride, Chris and Grace H. advanced ride,
4) LAYOUT/SETUP We will start setting up @8:30 am
- Tents will be set up on the open lawn areas. There are 8 bike shops, Shimano, VMB, PMBA, IMBA setting up tents.
- It is a one way road getting to the parking area so a Sign-in station with RIDE WAIVERS can be easily set up at the entrance
- Food can be set up in the picnic grove
- Rides could gather between the bike shops and picnic grove.
- Raffle tickets could be sold at the sign-in area, VMB tent, roaming ticket sales.
- Donations could be accepted at sign-in area, VMB tent, by the food
PMBA has always pulled through when needed the most.