In a pinch

I'm in a bit of a pinch and I'm wondering if one or two you might be able to help me out. I had a mountain biker set up to sweep my race course this coming Sunday at the Quadzilla 15k at TNP. Unfortunately, a more pressing engagement came up for him and he had to bow down. Now I am left without anyone to follow the runners around the Border Trail. I realize it is not the most ideal trail for mountain biking because of the hills but I thought I would at least try and ask if anyone would be interested in this job. At this point I am pretty desperate.

If anyone is interested, please contact me at jillforsythe @ or call me at 610-301-5631.

The race begins at 8:00 am on Sunday, July 17 and the final runners need to cross they line by 11 am.

Thanks everyone.