That was great lets do it again

a lot more dirt got moved over at Sals again today.

We're almost finished with the lower section of the orange trail. We finished
up to about the 1/2 way point of the climb back up to the red.To complete the connection we need
another trail day-but it will be less intense than what we've been doing.

So another trailday on the 17th is proposed. Please post if you can make it.

Anyhow we had lots of trailworkers today Joe-Bob-Rob-Greg-John-Ritch-Dave working 3 hours so 27hrs today.

The take on the new trail is that its awesome! You'll love this section. Lots of ups and downs, cool gullies, banks,scenery,and some neat rocks to ride over. The crew is getting really good at trailwork and trail design too!

We followed things up with a ride.Things went well,there were no ATV's sighted, although there was one incidence of illegal dumping(Greg!)