Let down......

So it's Sunday, sept. 12th and i have just came back from blue extremely disappointed with no ambition to ride today. On my way up[3 minutes away] i got a call and was informed that the mountain was closing early today.Obviously i wanted to know why since the rain had stopped for a good 2 hours now and i knew the conditions where going to be great, ie. being so dry the rain would tack everything and the mountain drains really fast. Upon my arrival i was greeted by some very confused and disgruntled riders in the lot,so i decided to see what was up.Went into the lodge and was directed to the counter where you show your pass or purchase your ticket for the day. I asked the guy behind the counter who seemed to be in charge ,"why are the lifts shutting down at 1:00????" His reply was, "we're not making enough money to keep em running." WHAT!!!!!! So anyone that has traveled be it 40 minutes {myself,every weekend} or 5 hours like another gentleman in the lot ,that your sh*t outta luck because," we're not making enough money"! Are you kidding me...What about the season pass holders! You got our money and now we don't matter?How about the people that travel and rent equipment? Oh yeah that's right ,they get a voucher. Well what about food,fuel,sometimes lodging and just the over all let down,Does the voucher cover that??????I know this is a rant, but i feel like i've been smacked in the face by a mountain that i support and love to ride [and trust me there are others that feel the same]. I got my pass and my friends got there's in support of a local downhill mountain bike resort. For what? to be treated like we don't matter because our numbers weren't enough today?It's really a shame because despite some hiccups here and there that place is awesome.