Can anyone give me basic directions around lehigh?...i am looking for like an 8 or 9 mile loop...basically the loop we did last wed ride...i can get around myself for the first four or five miles then...theres a few spots where u can go like two or three different ways and thats where i get lost...i want to ride here tomorrow morning before a wedding but i don't want to end up riding the roads through bethlehem to get back to my car...last time i was good till i got to a section up a dirt was past that overgrown section with the art and stuff...i made my way around there cause u can only go one it would seem...and then it went downhill literally...i came to two areas where u could go like three different ways...i was doing ok...then i found myself on this pretty sweet downhill which brought me out on the other side of the mtn right in the middle of Lehigh u...with no trails in sight...i took the roads all the way back to the parking if somebody could give me some guidance...i would appreciate it...if u could incorporate all the good stuff...i made it to lungbuster and superman...but that was it...i would like to do stinger..i think thats the name of the awesome downhill....HELP!