Punching the Clown

Many of you know Downingtown Ted, or at least know of the jumps in his backyard. Ted was all excited to be signed up the this weeks Point Shark Century, but he might be sitting on the bench. Here is his story from today (yes, this is a true story).

Apparently Ted was out on an after work loop near his house. It is pretty busy down there, but Ted is a pretty calculated guy. Waiting at a really busy rush hour intersection, Ted patiently and properly waited for the light to turn, then pinned it through the intersection. Thinking he has the right-of-way, he looks up to see the grill of a car and thinks "man, this car almost clipped me!" Fired up, Ted flips off the driver, hoping to see the drivers eyes in the rear view. As he turns his attention forward, he blows up onto the hood of a car that was tailgaiting the other, breaking off the mirror and rolling off the windshield, landing on his feet. Now completely fired up with bloodshot eyes, Ted is raging in the middle of the intersection, spewing profanities and threatening the driving with a "Serious Ass Kicking!!!" He storms around to the drivers side of the car and looks in to see a 16 year old girl cowering an frightened, absolutely freaked out. Ted calms a little and people call 911.

The funny thing is, as Ted was not really hurt, when you call 911, they respond with the cops, ambulance and a firetruck, who's driver says "Where's the fire?" Ted, feeling incredulous, looks at the guy and says "Look, I'm not on fire -- my BIKE is F*cked!!!"

Epilogue: Ted is pretty much OK, his wheel is taco'd, and her insurance is taking care of it. He thinks he might make the ride, too. So, he now knows that if he s going to flip off a car, he still has to watch where he's going...