I'm not going to Raystown But I'll have fun anyway Event

Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 11:00am to Sunday, May 23, 2010 - 2:00pm

This is not the Dirtfest event at Raystown.  In fact, this is probably the most unorganized event VMB has ever posted.  But those of us who are not going to Raystown are going to have fun anyway and head out to Trexler.  What is this event?  A little trail maintenance, a little riding, a little picnic.  We don't have any specific times set.  This is the most casual, unplanned, unorganized post ever.  But we intend to work and play at Trexler starting late Saturday morning or early afternoon.  I hear there may even be some overnight camping.  So, if you're interested, post up and we'll get together.