Cancelled - FREE Marin Bike Demo - Wed. May 19

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Hey Everybody!

The rain caused us to have reschedule this event. Its time once again to try out some of the 2010 stuff from Marin.  They refined some of their full-suspension designs and are bringing out a selection of bikes for us to try out.  I haven't gotten an exact breakdown of what bikes will be available to ride, but it is usually a pretty good selection.

Meet us at Jordan Creek Park at the tennis court parking lot Wednesday, May 12 at 5:30.  Bring an ID and CC to leave and go for a ride.  Some pedals will be available but it will be a good idea to bring your own.  Keep in mind, we may have more people than demo bikes so we will limit ride time to make sure everyone gets to ride what they want.

Rain cancels.

See you on the trail.

Rob Takacs