There have been some really good log-crossings cut out at Lehigh that have been there forever -- one on the Cool McCauley trail towards the bottom, and two atop a short steep climb right behind the Lehigh fraternities. These were excellent skill builders -- one required a bunnyhop or bump-jump while compressed and leaning in a corner, and the other required two tough log crossings while your heart-rate was pegged after a steep short climb. Now they are now just simple trails between cut stumps with no effort required.
I understand the chainsaw weilding rider may have been trying to increase flow, but they have also succeeded in removing two very good moderately technical trail features which required good technique to clear. They had been there for years with no problems and were most definitely ridden by many of you. They were good obstacles, not blockages -- therein lies the frustration. With some coaching or repeated efforts, all obstacles can be learned, and conquering that challenge is one of the absolute greatest things about riding. Cutting out obstacles, in my humble opinion, should be discouraged, just like straight-lining of corners (going inside the established line). I am all in favor of go-arounds and multiple lines through obstacles. This gives you the opportunity to learn and work up to clearing it. Now, with those crucial logs removed, you are just riding along through the woods. Yes, there are plenty of logs on our trails, but now there are two less technical challenges. Now I really wish we did the Allamuchy clinic, because these logs were not that tough at all with proper techique and focus.
Just my opinion, and frustration from this mornings ride. Sorry to vent. Back to the regularly scheduled programming.