got an email from someone and it pretty much sums it up
As we all know, the next decade will be a challenge for the entire mountain biking community as more groups and park managers feel empowered to deny public access to the mountain bike community. It is a little scary to see what a little power does to certain individuals. Valley Forge Park is case in point. Here is great natural resource with a verifiable and sustainable single track trail system which is being completely neglected. The shame is that this system is being neglected by the very people entrusted to protect it. There methodology is familiar to all of us they use fear and enuendo to consolidate support for their narrow minded vision of the park system. Humans are animals and as such, we all have a wild heart which needs to be nourished and sustained. Mountain bikers as group understand this better than most. We also also understand that to protect this resouce which feeds and sustains this wild heart is absolutely imperitive. That's why we're willing to comprimise. We need the trails to grow and survive. It is with pride that I call myself a member of this responsible, respectful, and honorable fraternity. Tpo say that I am a mountain biker says that; I abide by the law of the land, respect wild life, and give back to the nature. It also means that I respect all the different groups with whom I share these precious resources with, and their rights to be there as well as my own. Even though I've personally witness hunters, fisherman, and horsemen who exploit these resources, I try not to make generalizations about all of them based on random examples of abuse. We need to enlist our fellow groups who we share these resources with to assist us in protecting our access rights so that all of the groups rights are protected now and in the future. Because if one group can be excluded now, then any group can be excluded in the future. Let's stand up and communicate with all of these folks so that one can benefit from the other's experience. We are more alike than we are different, we all share that wild heart.
I am currently an active member of IMBA, WCCC, Delaware trailspinners, Rattling Creek Single Trackers, and "Bud's Group" My name is ********, I am a father, a project manager, a man among men, I am a mountain biker .
With trust and respect, ****************