in addition to the salisbury project i would like to go after the lower dirt area. I would like to apply for the KONA grant to creat a dj park down there. I would like to work with a few local DJ experts to come up with a design.
2007 Kona Grants Announced
In 2007, Kona Bicycle Company and IMBA will once again award cash grants to fund the development of freeriding, downhilling, and dirt jumping projects. IMBA-affiliated clubs in North America are invited to apply for 13 $1,000 awards. The application deadline is May 15, 2007, and the grants will be awarded in June, 2007. Funding for the program comes from Kona and the Kona/IMBA Buck-A-Bowl bowling tournament, an annual Las Vegas fundraiser held during Interbike, the bicycle industry trade show. Kona also supports IMBA's online and print resources on sustainable freeriding, including the annual Freeride Guide edition of IMBA Trail News.