In addition to kiosks, how about trail name signs. These would be placed at the beginning and end of each distict "named" trail. You would need two signs per trail, one at each end, facing opposite directions. I think this would be cool so people know what trail they are really on in perspective to a map with trail names and add more of the "park" feel to the place. An example would be as you enter from the lower lot, you would see Spanky, then when you make the hard right onto the switchback trail, a sign would say switchback trail, then at the top of the swicthback trail a sign for the ridge trail, and so on, doing the same thing in each direction. Even if the boy scouts can't take on this project, it could be something the club chips away at little by little. We could even get the signs custom made by a sign company (using grant money). What do you all thing?