Phoenix trails?

Hi all,

Ok, I'm looking for some honest experienced opinions.

From my post on Jay's thread: my bike is starting to think I abandoned her. Haven't ridden in 6 weeks for various reasons and the only exercise I've gotten has been my bicpes and triceps flexing and extending for cookies over the holidays.

I'm headed to a medical conference in Phoenix next Monday. There for a week, coming home on Sunday.

Given I haven't ridden and how out of shape I am or FEEL I am, I'm thinking of trashing my idea of doing some guided MTB rides while I am out there.

I don't mind paying to rent a bike or for the guide services if people think the trail riding out there is worth it.
I did guided rides at Kingdom Trails and it was sooooooooooo worth it, not riding alone and fearing getting lost and making new friends!
The BUT in this equation is if it is going to require a bunch of climbing because I don't want to have a heart attack out there or stopping every 1/4mile to breath!

All opinions appreciated, so should I plan on riding no matter what? If so, what trails do you recommend knowing I'm a low intermediate at best with NO lung capacity!!! :crackup:
Or, could I skip riding because I wouldn't be missing anything?
Any guide recommendations? I came with 2 off the net.

Hopefully, will be in Sedona early June so I will get to experience some riding in AZ.
