99th Annual Tice-Medellin Thanksgiving Morning MTB Ride
Here it is folks!! The event you've all been waiting for. The 99th (yes I said 99th) Annual Tice-Medellin Thanksgiving morning MTB ride.
Come on out on Thanksgiving morning to ride South Mountain. This is the premier MTB event of the social season. If you get there early you may be able to elbow your way past the paparazzi to get an up close look at the hottest celebrities on the red carpet. Names like Pitt, Jolie, Aniston, Dejesus, Transue, Squirrelly Bob, Spanky, Da Bull and all the rest of the hottest celebrities of the year. There's even talk of an appearance by OctoMom sporting the latest in oversized kiddie trailers!
On top of all the celebrities that are planning to attend this year there's also pre-ride activities for all:
* Find Sasquatch and take his picture contest
(editors note: This contest has been suspended due to a rash of entries bearing a striking resemblence to Greg H.).
* Strongest lungs contest - who can power the experimental, hot air powered bike the furthest. The current record is held by Joey V (57 miles). Second place record is 2 feet.
* Oldest bike contest - who can do the ride on the oldest, crappiest bike. I own this category but I'd love to see some competition this year. Don't believe me - have you seen my bike??!!!
A cash prize will be given for the rider that has participated in the most Thanksgiving Morning MTB rides. Can anyone beat Jim Tice's record of 95 annual appearances (he missed a few rides while overseas during WWII). I can't believe Jim is still riding at his advanced age. In his defense he doesn't look a day over 90!
So don't miss this ride. Mark it on your calendar. 9:00 a.m. meeting at the parking lot on top of South Mountain across from the Channel 39 offices.