Tentative JORBA Bike Fest Schedule, 9/12/2009
Hey folks, it is almost time for the 2nd AnnualJORBA Bike Festival. As most of you know, the festival will be on Saturday, September 12th at the Waterloo Concert Field in Stanhope, NJ. For more information, please visit http://bikefest.jorba.org.
I wanted to post up the tentative schedule for this year’s festival. As you can see, it is quite packed with events, rides and shows. It has all the makings of a great time, just like last year.
Officially the doors to the festival open at 09:00 on September 12. However, there will be two advanced expert rides leaving at 08:15 and one at 08:45 from the Waterloo Concert Field. Please plan to be there for ride sign up at 08:00 if you want to do one of the advanced expert rides. There will be two Long Intermediate Rides leaving from the Concert at 09:00 and two Short Intermediate Rides leaving at 09:15. Again, please come early to get signed up.
Please note, the advanced expert rides are for strong riders only! These rides will be fast paced rides in the 20 mile plus range with hard climbing, lots of rocks and few rest breaks. These rides are scheduled to last 4 hours! Please do not plan to ride these rides if you do not believe your fitness or skill level is up to the task, as you could make the ride less enjoyable for others on the ride. Our ride leaders will be the ultimate authority on whether a person is fit to ride the advanced rides. Thanks for your cooperation.
As you can see on the schedule, there will be a number of rides available throughout the day. There will be Long Intermediate (3 hours, 12-15 miles) with a brisk pace in both Stephens State Park and Deer Park. There will be Short Intermediate Rides with a more casual pace in Stephens SP and Deer Park. Beginner Rides will be sponsored by all of our bike shop Title Sponsors, Bicycle-Pro, Marty’s Reliable, Cycle Craft and Cycleworks during the morning hours. Cycleworks will also be sponsoring mountain biking skills clinics throughout the day.
I will keep this schedule updated with any changes that are made. Take care and we hope to see you at the JORBA Bike Festival this year.
07:00 Vendor & Sponsor set up
08:00 Advanced Ride Sign Up
08:15 Advanced Technical Ride (4 hours, 20+ miles)
08:15 Women’s Advanced Ride (4 hours, 20+ miles)
08:45 Race Paced Ride (4 hours, 25+ miles)
09:00 Gates Open to Sponsor & Vendor Area!
09:00 Long Intermediate Rides Leave (2.5-3 hours, 12-15 miles) either Stephens SP or Deer Park
09:15 Short Intermediate Rides Leave (1.5-2 hours, 7-10 miles) either Stephens SP or Deer Park
09:15 1st Kids Ride (Team MTBNJ)
09:30 1st Beginner Ride by Bicycle-Pro (1 hour, 4 miles)
09:45 2nd Beginner Ride by Marty’s Reliable Cycle (1 hour, 4 miles)
10:00 3rd Beginner Ride by Cycle Craft (1 hour, 4 miles)
10:00 1st Cycleworks Skills Clinic
10:15 4th Beginner Ride by Cycleworks (1 hour, 4 miles)
10:30 Women’s Intermediate Ride (1-2 hours, 7 miles/4 mile option)
11:00 HUMAN VISE sponsored by Marty’s Reliable Cycle
11:15 Slow Ride Contest sponsored by Marty’s and Bicycle-Pro
12:00 Jeff Lenowsky Bicycle Demonstration sponsored by Cycleworks
12:00 2nd Cycleworks Skills Clinic
1:00 3rd Cycleworks Skills Clinic
1:00 Skinnies Contest sponsored by Cycle Craft
1:45 Long Intermediate Rides Leave (2.5-3 hours, 12-15 miles) either Stephens SP or Deer Park
2:00 Short Intermediate Rides Leave (1.5-2 hours, 7-10 miles) either Stephens SP or Deer Park
2:15 2nd Kids Ride (12-16 years) Team MTBNJ
2:30 3rd Kids Ride (6-11 years) Team MTBNJ
3:00 Jeff Lenowsky Bicycle Demonstration sponsored by Cycleworks
3:00 Cycleworks Women’s Only skills Clinic
4:00 JORBA Raffle
4:00 5th Cycleworks Skills Clinic
5:00 JORBA Bike Fest Ends