Summary of Meeting with Gettings, Stiffler

Tracy, Rob and I met with Bob Stiffler and Tom Gettings on Tuesday.

The meeting went somewhat well. Gettings straightened Stiffler out as to the area we are working is entirely correct.

Most of our discussion centered on Trex and multi-use. Also, the Master Plan at Trex is not officially in place yet, they expect a Grand Opening next year?? I think... Another reason to take things slow in their mind.

Overall, someone appears to be uneducated. Saying things like "If I were you I'd stuff as many trails into that one area as you can" telegraphs this and tells me they are not going to around too long.

But they gave us enough land right now that we have have work for two more years. In two years I am sure the climate will change and Stiffler will be gone.

They gave us a chunk of land on the Central Range (the coolest terrain too) and I think he said we can use the firefighters trail and work on that to get over to the cenrtal range.

Jordan: We can try to close down stuff. get a plan together, some pics and submit it to Doug _____ the local park manager.

My two cents: get a roll of deer fence and cordon off two or three trampled areas with plenty of VMB-Lehigh Parks signs on it " Closed for Revegetation"

One trail day should suffice at Jordan to hammer in some stakes