Uh Oh! Ted's Been Busy...

DH Ted is a bit crazy, and his backyard is downright legendary. He and Dave Harms have been busy (in between concussions in Dave's case) redo'ing a bunch of things, and there will be some new surprises for his annual Ruckus At The Ranch jump jam.

The latest thing they've moved onto was a total resurface of the main 180 berm. You can hit this at 30MPH with no brakes, if you can handle the compression G's. As GT sponsored local Colin says, "if you are in it and you are not scared, you clearly ain't going fast enough!" Seriously, keeping your fingers off the brakes results in a serious whip out. Stand it up and not make the turn results in a serious spit, out of the berm -- been there and it ain't pretty.

In keeping with annual tradition, Ted's Jam this fall will benefit Catty Woods trails this year. Come out, jump and support your local scene. Details to come.

PS -- note the rototiller concrete mixer?

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