Hoochie Coochie at Allamuchy Ride July 19th

Sunday, July 19, 2009 - 9:00am to 9:00pm

Put your left pedal in, take your left pedal out, put your left pedal in and spin it all about. I know that's corny, but I have your attention, don't I?

Leaving the valley at 9am, but I don't know where to meet, but I am leaning towards the Wegmans on Rt 33 and maybe get some breakfast carbs there.

I am not going to even speculate how long the ride will be, because I don't know my way around that well. Just figure on being gone all day. I think the last time I was there we started from the Tranquility Rd. trailhead, so, we'll do that again. There is a cozy little bar/restaurant at the end of that rd. which will be perfect for post ride beers.