Drew's Eagle Project at Trex.

so here it is my project so far. this sunday when details are finalized i can add those in as well.

Project description
I plan to make a new mountain bike trail on trexlers game preserve land. I got permission for this project by the club that maintains and makes the current trails. This club is Valley Mountain Bike or VMB. They will be my resource in the process of planning and building this trail because they know the ins and outs of the correct trail building process. For this project I will have to plan the lay out of the trail and supervise the flagging of the trail for a temporary reference, the cutting of brush, leveling and cutting the path into the hill side where it is not level, and finally blazing the trail with trail blazers. This will take time and effort from all the volunteers that will be helping. This trail is going to be economically friendly by means of not destroying the existing land features and wild life.

Project details
Day 1
8:30 scouts are to meet at the first Presbyterian church to car pull to Trexler game preserve.
9:15 arrive at parking lot at trexler where other volunteers from bike club will be to gather and sign in and go over the plan of the day. As well as go over safety talk which will include first aid such as cuts, scratches, bites and stings, and proper tool usage. Split into two teams and also choosing captains for each team. Team 1 will be in front flagging the trail with temporary ground flags. Team 2 will be behind following the flags cutting brush and clearing the path.
9:45 head to trail location to start flagging and cutting brush. Team 1 in front of team 2
10:30 take a break to see progress and rest
11:00 work until lunch
12:00 get lunch
1:00 go back to work
4:00 finish for the day gather tools and people to go back home

Day 2
8:30 scouts meet at church to car pull to trexler
9:15 arrive at trexler where volunteers from bike club will be waiting. We will sign in and I will brief volunteers on the schedule. Also go over safety talk and talk about how to cut trail into hillside also know as bench cutting. Explain technique and how it should be done.
9:45 we will head to trail for work
10:30 take break and check on progress and rest.
11:00 start back up and work until finished or until lunch
12:00 stop for lunch
1:00 continue working
4:00 stop gather tools and people to finish up for the day

Day 3
1:00 scouts meet at church to sign in and car pull to trexler
1:45 arrive at trexler meet up with bike club volunteers to talk about putting up trail markers and if there is any trail work that needs to be finished. Split teams into finishing up trail and hanging markers assigning one person of each group to be captain. Brief and give safety talk to volunteers. Explain and give map to team hanging markers on where to hang markers. I will have gone through and marked trees as to where they should go and marked them on the map.
2:00 go to trail to hang up markers and finish trail work.
3:00 check on progress and rest
4:30 finish up trail
6:30 leave to go out for dinner

My project will benefit the group because:
The mountain bike club is trying to introduce safe and economic trails to the area and this trail will be one of the many mountain bike trails in the Lehigh valley. This new trail will provide mountain bikers with another possible route that they may enjoy while riding the new area. Also this trail will help spread the clubs intentions and ideas of trail building and maintenance to the volunteers that help with the project. This trail will hopefully attract more mountain bikers to trexler since trails here are new and will be ready to be used. Valley mountain bike club will benefit also from the free labor that comes from my friends and family to help build this trail correctly and successfully.