CANCELED June 5, Friday Night Happy Hour Towpath Ride With The Infamous Don K

Friday, June 5, 2009 - 5:15pm

So you might know Jay, but do you know Don K?
(no, not Donk -- Don K or donxfive)
Well, here's your chance!

Don's that unassuming character who you might not realize has been enjoying the dirt quite a long time! Don was winning Round Valley races when I barely knew what a mountain bike was. And Don just loves to ride! It doesn't matter when, where with whom or on what bike. In particular, Don just likes being out in nature with his bike.

BE READY TO DEPART from Sand Island in Bethlehem at 5:30 and head east toward Easton.

Moderate/mellow pace, figure an hour to get to Easton and an hour to get back
Possibly meeting a group in Easton, under the 3rd St bridge at 6:30

Who knows? Maybe, afterwards, you might even be able to join Don for a beer in town.