In case some stranger stops you to ask some questions at Jordan Park

City of Allentown

May 18, 2009

For Additional Information Please Contact:

Mike Moore
Communications Coordinator

Jason Gordon
Principal Investigator
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Penn State University



Users of the City of Allentown’s Jordan Park will be asked to participate in a park survey conducted by researchers from Penn State University.

Allentown’s numerous parks are important to resident’s quality of life. To better understand how its residents currently use and what they think about these parks, researchers from Penn State (PSU) will be conducting a survey in Jordan Park from May 19 through August 2009. This project is part of a larger effort designed to improve resource management and recreation experiences across Pennsylvania’s parks and forests.

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Bureau of State Parks (DCNR-BoP) and researchers from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology at PSU are collaborating to better understand Commonwealth residents’ use of natural resources and their needs, perceptions, and concerns about them. The research project focuses on eastern Pennsylvania. Information gathered will be used to develop resource management policy and educational materials for schools, health care professionals, environmental organizations, community groups, and resource managers.

One part of the study will occur in Allentown’s Jordan Park, known for its pool, picnic area, and athletic facilities. Jordan Creek borders the park, making it a popular destination for local residents who want to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Participants will be asked how they perceive and use Jordan Park, including their opinions about aesthetic qualities and condition of park facilities. Questions will also revolve around types of activities visitors enjoy in Jordan Park, including those which counteract the nationwide obesity epidemic. In addition, all participants will be able to provide suggestions on how to improve their experiences. Participation in the survey is completely voluntary. All survey administrators will be identified by their name badges with a Penn State logo. The survey will take less than 15 minutes to complete and all participants will receive a token of appreciation for their time.

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