Has anyone recovered from a shoulder separation?

Two weeks ago tomorrow, I suffered a type 2 AC joint separation after a hard landing on my shoulder. The good news is - after 1 week I was jogging and riding again (smooth surfaces only - bumps still hurt). The bad news is - it's driving me crazy 24 hrs. a day. It's not a severe pain, but it's constantly achey and uncomfortable.

Passive range of motion is very good. But certain movements from certain positions are excruciating - like tying my shoes (leaning forward and pulling outward). And reaching out to hit the snooze on my alarm clock. I can't support my arm with my shoulder muscle from that position.

Just wondering if anyone has rehab'd this particularly injury, and what I can look forward to. I'm 2 weeks into it and haven't seen much progress, except for the initial reduction in swelling after the first couple days.