Kiosk Installation at Sals

Saturday, May 2, 2009 - 9:00am to 2:00pm

Cub Scout Pack 150 is proud to announce that they are near the completion of the kiosks for Sals. They have targeted Mid-May for installation. They have admittedly been challenged in building these kiosks, but have worked diligently on them for the past few weekends.

All they ask of us, the VMB, is to dig the postholes and set the posts in concrete and braces prior to installation of the kiosks. That way all they need to do is transport and attach the kiosks later in May once the posts are set.

I would like to find out if there is anyone who may be available the weekend of May 2-3 to dig and prepare the posts. Also, if anyone has an awger that VMB could use to facilitate the digging, that would be a bonus; otherwise it will most likely require a small crew of folks to use posthole diggers or good old fasioned shovel, pick and digging bar to get the postholes prepared. Many of you may have seen the markers along the trails where the kiosks will be placed. Ideally I would hope to have a crew of at least 6 people (2 per site) to help in preparing the holes and posts.

I also feel that VMB should somehow show our appreciation for the cub scouts efforts....any ideas would be welcome.

Thanks, Rudy