April 19 TM Allamuchy

Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 8:30am

This month TM is on Sunday April 19 (Please note this is changed from Saturday the 18th due to a conflict with the Skills Clinic being offered at Chimney Rock). We will be working in the North section of the Park and meeting at the Tranquility trailhead off Rt 517. We will be working on an armoring project on the White Trail. This will be a smaller but fun project, if we get a good showing we may be able to knock this off in no time and get a good ride in!!!

Directions from Rt 80 (Exit 19) are as follows - take Rt 517 north for approx 1.5 miles. Make a right turn on to a dirt road, note there is not a sign for this road and it comes up quick. If you see the Tranquility Farm Stand, you passed the road. You can either turn around or head up Rt 517 until you see the sign for Pub Rt 517, make the right turn and go past the pub and up the dirt road. This will take you to the trailhead. If anyone needs additional details, please do not hesitate to reach out to us (973 713 4130).

We would like to put in approx. 4 hrs of work starting at 8:30. We will be riding to the work site, depending on the weather. Bring your favorite gloves (we will bring extra for those without). The event will be rain or shine (barring a torrential downpour), please dress accordingly. We would recommend that each person wears comfortable shoes/boots (in the event we hike in) and water. We will bring bagels to snack on, and bars from Cliff Bar & Co.! Everyone will need to complete an NJDEP Volunteer In Parks (VIPs) form, which we will provide that day. We will also have a Pay Dirt sign up sheet to keep everyone in the running for the bikes that will be given away at the end of the season, and for race points!!!

The remaing TM dates for the season are: May 17, June 27, July 19, Aug 15, Sept 20, and Oct 17.

The last thing we will ask is if you plan on attending, please send me a quick e-mail letting us know (allamuchy@jorba.org), this will help with planning. Also, if you would like to bring someone along, please do so. Thanks to everyone for showing interest in helping out!

Karen and Bob