
I did a little research lately (as I'm prone to do) and basically I would say that this is a area has has to be looked at, to put it mildly. If the actual bylaws that the club has are anything like the generic non-profit bylaws for Pennsylvania, we're not even close. There is some organizational and procedural tweaking that has to be done. This would affect the way that the club is organized, the way that the meetings are conducted, the way voting takes place, and the frequency of the meetings.

The good news is that we are on the right path. Electing officers, and then having the officers comprise a board(required) would be the first step in getting it together.The rest will follow.

Remember, right now the focus should be on electing the officers at the next meeting. During the winter we can get all this stuff in place for the rest of the year.I'm going keep looking into this topic, and consult with some folks I know that have been doing non-profit stuff for decades.I'll see some of these folks on Wednesday at the Lehigh Valley Beyond Oil(LVBO) monthly meeting and ask them a bunch of questions.