From our friends at CAT
Today is the start of the public hearings being held by LANTA to raise
> fares and cut service on our transit system.
> It is important that you do something to try to stop this giant step
> in the wrong direction. For the complete story, please see this
> editorial written by Steve Schmitt and Joyce Marin that appeared in the Express-Times:
> PLEASE! Take the time to take one of these actions:
> Attend a public hearing
> Today, Tuesday, Noon at Easton City Council Chambers January 31,
> Wednesday, Noon,Lehigh County Government Center, Allentown February 1,
> Thursday, Noon, Bethlehem City Hall
> Your testimony should ask for EXPANDED bus services. This is a crisis.
> If our region can find the money to rebuild a $12 million dollar
> bridge on Route 33 that falls into a sinkhole; if we can find the tens
> of millions of dollars it is going to take to redo the surface of
> Route 78 that needs unusual repair right now, if we can find 1.5
> million to run a constant emergency service on Route 22 for people
> that run out of gas, if we can find the $750,000 to replace the lights
> on cemetery curve, then we can find the
> 1.6 million to prevent a deficit at LANTA.
> The fare increase, if it is enacted, should be used to EXPAND bus
> service only.
> If you can't make the public hearing closest to you, and even if you
> do, please take the time to go to the LANTA website and give your opinion in writing.
> Also, call the bus company director, Armand Greco, 610 435 4052 and
> tell him personally that bus service must not be cut, it needs to be expanded.
> It is time to take the bus company into the 21st century. If you want
> to be part of the transformation of the transportation system please act now.
> --
> CAT Office
> 60 West Broad Street #97
> Bethlehem, PA 18018
> 610 954 5744