Mike Aitken Fund Raiser at Rancho Relaxo

Sunday, November 9, 2008 - 7:58am

Mike Aikten fellow Pro BMX Rider crashed at a local trail here in PA and is now paralyzed. Several of us are putting together a fundraiser in his name. It will be held at Rancho Relaxo in Downington PA at Ted's house. It's Nov 9th and the cost is $20.00 There will be several jumping events like the long distance , a pump track race, and several other jam style things to do. We have a bunch of prizes to give out along with a bunch more for raffling....For more info on the event get a hold of Jay Dejesus, Jim Dellavalle or Ted Greisser the head trail BOSS....

Hope to see some of you out there supporting a fellow rider and share the day for a good cause.