As you may know French Creek(FC) is a destination for avid mountain bikers. As you may not know that many of the trails are off limits to bikes and last years race was truly a disaster in the sense of not putting a good face on the sport. There has been a group called PATH that over the years has done a lot of trailwork there and the MASS promoters getting the race course ready before raceday. However the park manager has had some concerns about the race and having consistent trail maintenance which could even further threaten the access to the trails. In response the local clubs and new race promoters(bean's bike shop) has taken a pro-active stance and met with the local land manager and proposed a short and long term plan. In the short term they will improve and move the race course to a more sustainable area and deal with rain in a more enviornmentally conscience way before race day. In the long term they will rebuild many of the current trails to have more of a countoured trail system. they will submit to add a trail that would connect the western and eastern loop to extend the trail system. they will also ask that the current trail system be open to mountain bikes once again to prove our lower than perceived impact on the trail system. There has been trail inventory done so far to mark trails to be closed and new trails to be opened as well but will be a long term project.
Also there is a National Park(Hopewell)that is surrounded by the park and there will be a IMBA TCC visit to open up trails there as well to creat one master loop. the projected singletrack mileage is around 35-40miles. So if you know of anyone that might benefit from this info send it on.
serious disclaimer: i did race in that race so i think we all learned that it wasn't the best thing to do for the long term. Also, i am updating everyone not to show what i'm doing but to show efforts in other areas and keeping everyone up to date on successes outside of our local riding spots.