First time at Sal's today..........WOW!!! :)

Well, I took my first ride at Sal's today with crashtestdummy(CTD).
First, a BIG thank you to all of you that made that trail system what it is. Just amazing!!
I had such a blast!! Had a few falls, nothing major, but enjoyed every minute of the ride. What a HIGH!!!!
CTD was an excellent trail guide with the patience of a saint, and more importantly, a teacher. She really helped me with techniques that made the ride so much fun.
I've worked at St luke's for 3.5yrs and never knew those trails were there! Now, I can't wait to bring my bike to work w/ me and do a quick ride after work.
Today rom St. Luke’s we rode ORANGE trail to the Red Trail (made a right onto the red trail). We rode the red trail to the bottom at Constitution Road. Then, up,UP, UP the road heading to the trailhead at Dodson ballfields and road yellow trail to red to orange trail.
That last section, for me was the toughest, mostly due to fatigue.
I loved all the logs!!! i made most of them which was so cool! The real rocky parts were tough but I know I'll get better. I'm looking forward to the day I can fly thru those 2 berms at the S curve AND do that log across the stream. THAT will be awesome!!
Still high from my ride this morning and had to share.
Thanks again CTD and to all of you who make those trails possible!!!