I did a hike over at sals today on the dodson side. Lately this area has been interesting me with the idea of building some more stuff over there. There is additional land between the cool yellow trail and the reservoir area, and it is the good stuff with regular trees and no sticker madness.Of course, the challenge is to make everything fit together into a grand flowing loop, not just a bunch of "options" that confuse the hell out of you.Not as easy as you think with a limited amount of space over there.
I noticed a few things during my time at Sals today. One thing is that someone has added a few little connector sections of trail between the yellow and one of the old trails that head to the picnic bench and reservoir area. These are pretty short. I don't know if its deer doing this or hikers. There are some bike tire tracks on some of the old trails that aren't part of our system so someone is still riding the old stuff. I can remember riding this stuff with Torpedo boy back in the day.
There were some folks doing paintball over there today. I saw a bag with a jillion round things in it laying on the ground, and then some camo folks doing the paintball thing.
There is a tent set up on the ledge below the lower orange trail kind of where it loops backs near st lukes. There was a homeless camp in this area a long time ago. This looks like a pop tent but without the garbage heap like the hobo camp.