It's Back -- The Don & Doug Fun Ride

Friday, September 5, 2008 - 5:45pm to 8:15pm

Years back, when VMB was just a little pup, Don and I posted Fun Rides. These always included some trail riding, some road riding and some food and beer you could ride to.

It'll probably stay mostly "organic," but we'll post more details later.
For now:

1) This event is being offered in conjunction with the September's First Friday on SouthSide Bethlehem, which has a bicycle theme. Hoping crashtestdummy will post some details on what's planned on the SouthSide...

2) Probably hit at least a portion of Salisbury.

3) Hang out/eat on the SouthSide

4) Check who's at the Funhouse

Bring your social skills (I'm gonna' work on mine ;-)), this is all about a good time with other riders -- on a Friday after work.