tonight to look at the proposed upper creek trail some more.
This is a trail that will cross the powerline closer to constitution than the existing trail does. Anyhow John and I checked this out and it gets favorable reviews. This trail will cross the powerline and wind back and forth across the creek a few times while picking its way through and over some pretty big boulders. It will hook into the unused log trail that climbs up to John's switchback and back to the upper red.Has a kind of a American Standard/South mountain Emmaus vibe, which can't be a bad thing.
That climb thing back to the switchback is cool. Pretty long too. If anyone is interested we can check out this trail is the coming months and try to decide if we want to build it .
Saw a bunch of riders-Mike and one of his kids, Jim, Bob and his new orange bike, Doug and a bunch of dudes from stroudsburg