Some more trailwork ideas at Sals

Here's another little map that shows some trailbuilding ideas over at Sals.

This stuff is in the area near Dodson park . One idea to to extend the lower orange trail across the red trail and do a 1/4 pipe thing and hook back into the red trail by the hobo camp. This is the dashed orange line.

The other idea is to run some of the yellow trail single track below the park and around to the West side of the parking lot. This would avoid most of the doubletrack trail that runs to the corner of the Dodson lot.This trail would cross the gas pipeline and be near the area of the little fire I was talking about before. There are some pretty awesome big rideable rocks over there and it would be fun to ad a little bit more trail to the loop.

If you have any ideas or comments I would be interested in them.This stuff wouldn't be too hard to build and we could work on it over the Summer.

New_SalsMap_May_08 Dodson