I want to let all of our members know of this commission. This commission is enroute to lock in many acres of land in our area Mainly in Mt. Pocono, Barrett, Paradise, Townships as far as I know of right now. They have a regular Meeting every Thursday evening at 7pm at the Paradise Township Building.
The woman to speak to is Catherine Needham. She and the commission are very interested in creating multi-use trails in our areas.
Please if you live nearby and want to help out or show her our efforts with the Allentown area and get in to it at an early stage. Please come to the meetings if possible or email her at parc@paradisetownship.com. Their Business phone is 1 570-595-6465.
This could be something that we can get a host of other clubs to participate in or at least help guide them with all the efforts our club has been doing with Salisbury to say the least.
Jim Dellavalle