Moore Fun at Appalachian Park Updates
VMB is building a new trail system at Appalachian Park. It's going to be several miles of rocky, flowing, singletrack goodness. Flagging initial trail began last year and we'll resume this month. Visit this page and VMB's Event Calendar for trailwork days. We'll also post updates here and other cool info.
UPDATE: 4/2: There will be a flagging and light build day at Appalachian Park on Saturday April 6 at 9 am. More info and sign up here:
All the Background You Want
In 2018, Valley Mountain Bikers and Moore Twp began working on a mountain biking and hiking trail system at Appalachian Park. The park is at the base of Blue Mountain, extending about a mile east of Smith Gap Rd near Evergreen Lake. It's about 175 acres and is very rocky. We aim to build a technical, but flowing trail, that is going to be exceptionally fun and full of natural features. The intial build will include two loops on the lower grades. Then we'll extend the trails up to the ridge, where there are incredible views of the Valley. The northern border of the park is adjecent to the easement for the Appalachian Trail.
Conceptual Map (not official)