Higher ordered state of trailworking at Sals today

Sometimes, as hard as you might try, you just can't do a 3 Stooges - Laurel and Hardy cartoon style trailworking day.

For some reason, everything went smoothly today at Sals. We had a great turnout of something like 16 people, and we were able to split up into two groups without wasting an hour BSing and figuring out what to do while standing around.

We met up at SLukes and John formed a crew with Greggy and the K family to head over towards Consitution. Bob and I hiked in towards the replacement trail at the red/yellow junction while the other folks cut out the tree by St Lukes. The tree crew then hit Dodson to take out the tree by the corner at the old trailhead.

As things tuned out we chose yellow sticker replacement trail plan B, the Dave line, for the new trail! This one is singletrack in nice woods and is 2x as long as the yellow sticker chute it replaces.Everyone made it down from Dodson and we worked on the new trail for a few hours.
We were able to get this thing all sorted out, brushcut, and chainsawed through. There will be some raking to do when the snow melts and some build-ups to do over a few big logs.That will be the extent of the work required on this trail and it should be open in a month or so.
The other crew cleared a trail to connect the sticker hell trail back to the original red trail as it crosses Constitution. This one is cool and has a big gully ride. They also brushcut the 3rd tower crossing on the blue extension trail and cleared some logs.

There was a Liz sighting early in the session but she went out it search of rogue downed trees. Apparently, she found the tree down on the lower orange and hacked it to pieces with her machete! That was the last we saw of Liz but thanks for helping!

thanks everyone for showing up. We still have some dirtwork to do on the blue extension which we can start next month!