Got in the last road ragin' angry jackass confrontation for the year.
Downhill Dave and myself were pedaling casually along a wide open road 2X2 and abiding by the law when an irate driver came up on us honking to get out of the way. After the oncoming car passed, this guy comes around gunning the engine, cuts in front, slams on the brakes and runs Dave into the grass while I ride around the outside of the car. Pissed, I hit the quarter panel with the back of my hand as I narrowly avoid going through the rear windo of the PT Cruiser stopped in my face. He comes around again, slams it into a stop in front of me as his gears grind, forcing me to come around again, and tries to hit me with his door. Big aggressive guy jumps out of the car and starts yelling at us to stay the f@#k off the road, wants to know who hit his car, wants to call the cops, etc. Does not even register that he 1) just ran Dave into the gutter and off the road, and 2) slammed the brakes on in front of 2 moving cyclists, almost running me over 2 times in the process, then threatening us. I ride back to Dave, who is trying to diffuse the situation as the guy and I have more choice words. He then gets back into his car w/bewildered wife and peels off. Dave remembers the cars lisence and calls the cops. As we are talking to the cops, a lady pulls up who witnesses the whole incident -- she lives there and rides with her son on those roads. She stays to be a witness as the cops respond and interview is.
It was incredibly ridiculous on the drivers part. WTF? We were completely in our rights to be on the road riding our bikes, and PA Law states that bicyclists should ride no more than 2 abreast. We were in complete compliance.
I only wish I remembered a bit of advice Steve Schmidt once said -- tell them you think you saw a gun, then the cops really have to find the guy....
The cops ran the guys plate and took our statements and numbers. If anything happens I will let you know.