Hi Folks-
As you know, the conservancy completed their survey last year to define their property borders, and is now interested in completing a loop to keep trail users on-property instead of having to go onto private land to make a large loop on the upper trails. I have been talking to Bowman about this (since he has been appointed by the conservancy as their 'trail steward') and would like to begin mapping some options out. I know how loaded the Sals crew is, and since I am local to Emmaus, I would like to take this one on during the off season. If everyone is cool with that, I would like to get a show of hands on who would be interested in helping with this project, and to begin doing some surveying and preliminary flagging to submit back to the conservancy for building approval. I would present this one at a meeting, but my schedule hasnt allowed me to make many this year, and it doesnt look like I can make December, either. Let me know what you think. Thanks.