the timing couldn't be better. Lou, the editor from BIKE mag called me today to tell me he was coming in for the week to do a feature on the LV mtn bike scene. So polish up your bikes and let's show em' what we got.
i'll post particulars tonight, but i wanted to get some guides for him for next week. i.e. bear creek, jordan, jburg, lehigh sals.
i thought we could team up with the LU Cycling club to show him aroudn with us and we could focus on collegiate mtn biking.
i'm gonna schedule a sals ride around 4pm. What will be even better is we can have him show up to a trailwork day next week and it would be an awesome pic to show all you guys who desreve all the credit.
I'm trying to get him to go up to the hubbard ride sunday. It's a great opportunity to showcase all the clubs, VMB, DD, CG so maybe people could show up or lead a ride for him. Also maybe we can bring him around to the LBS's to show that part as well.