Salisbury Trailwork Kickoff Day . Sunday 10-28, 10AM

Sunday, October 28, 2007 - 10:00am to 1:00pm

Come out to Sals and help us build more cool MTB trails! This day is the first club trailworking day of the Fall-Winter season. Meet up at the top of Consitution where the red trail crosses.

We'll work on the new Boulder bypass extension trail. Work to be done includes brush cutting, clearing of some rocks and downed trees, and some light bench cutting.Some tools provided but you can bring your own if you like-stuff like loppers, rakes, chainsaw, picks, shovel, etc. Hope to see you there!

Directions-from 22 take 378 South across bridge, right at McD's onto Broadway, up the hill and make right onto Public St (by stone wall and across the street from Kids Peace), take left onto Cardinal and head down into the woods past the No Outlet sign