Fall Trailwork dates for Salisbury Walking Purchase park.

At the recent VMB meeting we came up with 2 trailwork dates for the rapidly approaching Fall trailwork season at Sals.

Our club trailwork day kickoff is Sunday, October 28th at 10AM.

We'll be there as well on Sunday, November 18th at 10AM.

If you aren't aware members from the local bike clubs have designed and built an approx. 9.5 mile trail system at the Salisbury Walking Purchase park using the IMBA trail building guidelines. Our goal is to build the best sustainable trails around and have fun doing it!

You are encouraged to come out and help us work on the trails on the specified trail days. The club has a good arsenal of tools available for use ,purchased from member dues. Of course you can bring your own stuff if you like.Its a lot of fun and you get to goof around and learn how to build sustainable trails from our now experienced crew.

Stay tuned for details!