Help Determine Pennsylvania Trail Access
Action Alert
For Immediate Release
Contact: Drew Vankat, Policy Analyst
Mountain bikers are encouraged to attend upcoming public meetings hosted by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources' Bureau of Forestry (BOF). BOF lands are extremely important and contain popular riding areas like Lykens (Rattling Creek) in Weiser State Forest, Cooper's Gap and Tussey Mountain in Rothrock State Forest, Iron Master and Big Flat in Michaux State Forest and Laurel Mountain in Forbes State Forest. In total, there are some 4,200 miles of trails open to mountain bikes in the BOF's 2.1 million acres.
IMBA and Pennsylvania advocates urge mountain bikers to ask for stronger programs to support shared-use trails. The BOF has traditionally welcomed mountain biking on its trails, but several small improvements could result in greatly increased riding and stewardship opportunities.
These public forums will provide guidance for updating the State Forest Resource Management Plan (SFRMP). The SFRMP dictates the BOF's land management policies for a variety of issues, from timber harvesting to trails and recreation.
Talking Points
* Thank you for embracing mountain biking and shared-use trails on your lands. Mountain biking volunteerism is a resource for BOF lands.
* Mountain biking is extremely popular in Pennsylvania. In 2003, 1,677,060 Pennsylvanians rode their bicycles off-road at least once. This is 17.6% of the total adult population in our state. (Outdoor Industry Foundation, 2004)
* Bicycling (on- and off-road) contributes $4.8 billion annually and 44,000 jobs to the Middle Atlantic region (NJ, NY, PA). (Outdoor Industry Foundation, 2007)
* Shared-use trails deserve the same protections from resource extraction as hiking-only trails. The BOF should restore all trails that are impacted by resource extraction activities like logging.
* A recreational forester position at the local district level should be created. This staff member can better coordinate user groups and volunteer events while providing the most knowledgeable approach to mitigating trail-related issues.
* As currently proposed, shallow gas well drilling would result in unacceptable impacts to the environment and those who enjoy recreating in natural settings. A moratorium was placed on shallow gas wells in the 2003 SFRMP which we would like to see continued.
Meeting Schedule
September 18 Renovo - Renovo Elementary School
September 19 Dubois (Luthersburg) - Brady Township Community Center in Luthersburg
September 20 Coudersport - Potato City Inn
September 25 Ligonier - Antiochian Village
September 27 French Creek - The Inn at Reading
October 1 Williamsport - The Genetti Hotel
October 2 Scranton - The Holiday Inn at Dunmore
October 4 Carlisle - Hotel Carlisle Embers Convention Center
All public meetings will begin at 7:00 PM.
Additional Information is available online.
Please contact Frank Maguire, IMBA's Central Pennsylvania Representative, with any questions or comments.