MS 150 here we all come

again, i'm no expert but i thought i would share my thoughts on people's upcoming MS ride. It's our group's 6th year and we still can't show up on time :cornut:

get there earlier than you think. By the time you park, get your number throw your bag in the trailer etc time gets eaten up quick.

water......drink like a fish now. what happens 3-5 days before probably won't help. Drink till you have to wake up once at night to pee.

rest stops: skip the first one, and hit the second one fast. your legs will fill up with soarness if you stop every time

paceline if you can. save as much energy to do both days.

GET YOUR BIKE TUNED UP NOW!!! the week before all the MS'ers bring their old bikes to get tuned up. Beat the crowd.

-get your seat bagged prepped. spare tire/co2 or pump and tire lever. there is bike shop support but you don't want to hold a group up

-cleat covers: sounds dumb but those rest stops are sand and you can go through a set of cleats in a weekend.

-i don't want to be too specific but if there is food it! if there are drinks there.....drink them and still fill your water bottles

-be mentally prepared for rain

-buy leg and arm warmers. sure it's gonna warm up but anything under 70 degrees the knees should be protected

-chamois cream; no mater what you use, use it!!!!

-as soon as you get done, sign up for the massages. get two if you can. if definitely helps!!!!

-wherever your staying, put your legs up and take an epsom salt bath, if will freshen your legs up big time.

-party saturday night: we will all be at the anchorage saturday night in somers point. your all invited. who knows what time we get done :beer:

-take your time sunday, remember the basics.

-when your done, they do a great job at the finish. make sure to introduce yourself to one of the people who unfortunately have MS, they are unbelievable people and are truly an inspiration

-the pizza is great!!!!

-always thanks the volunteers. shuffling 10,000 people around is like herding cats!!!!

hopefully we all run into eachother somewhere. I recruited JohnE to join our group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the most important rule.....HAVE FUN! if the weather's nice it's a beautiful ride!!!!