I don't know if anyone has seen the recent weather news, but Kutztown was victim of a serious microburst that produced some destructive winds.
Well, the reason for this post is to ask for some help. Thankfully, my home and property was spared minus some minor repair; but my next door neighbor has lost at least four large trees. Three were blown down from the ground (roots and all) and the other was snapped at the first trunk break.
Her insurance company will not pay for the full cost of a tree removal service.
This is where all of you come in. Are there any volunteers who could come out to Kutztown and help chainsaw and remove these trees? The reward for your time is free beer to drink and free firewood to take home with you if you want it.
There is a catch. You would need to bring your own chainsaw and vehicle to load your free firewood into to take home. If you don't want the wood you still need the chainsaw, because we don't have any except for the one we need to rent.
Saturday morning at 9am would be great to see people. I told her that people may prefer to help in the morning, because they will want to go riding in the afternoon and she's cool with whatever time people can offer. Hell, maybe we'll even throw in a free lunch. If you can help out....Thank you in advance. Here is my cell # 484-515-3271. Responding to this post is fine also. PM me for directions.