I would like to add agenda to be discussed if not an action item already.
Trail work crews (ALL trails)
- The clubs opinion and the creation of formal crews for each trail.
- Continue the discussion regarding incentivizing trail crew volunteers.
- Google maps.
Social Networking (ALL trails)
- Discuss the development of club and or trail social network members.
- Identification of active social media content creators and means for club communications.
- Discuss trail names.
- Discuss trail ideas to take to land managment.
- Who will be the VMB face for communication with land managemnet and the players that be?
Signage (ALL trails)
- Discuss where applicable develop standard signage for navigation and social/buisness networking.
- Discuss the intigration of networking resources to fund and advertise trail head kioskes and social media pages.
Trail Saftey (ALL trails)
- Discuss trail access for 3 & 4 wheel cycles.
- Discuss eBikes and VMB trails.
- Discuss go arounds for obsticles. I bring this up because I took in the activities of "Take a kid MTBing".
- Discuss Helmet requirements and the potential for signage.
Thanks, Jim Kerchner