So hey, I was thinking there might be other folks out there like me who can never do Wednesday night rides.
Not meant to deter from the Wednesday night rides, but perhaps in addition, is there any interest in a weekly ride on another night? Or perhaps a weekly Sunday am ride, something like that? Sunday (or Saturday) rides can perhaps open up the possibility of hitting up Nox or Trex more often, too, instead of the usual close-by Sals/SMB/SME.
This is a chance for all of the lurkers to speak up. I know there are more than, like, five VMB members. If we get enough of a response, maybe we can start working out a day (or days!).
All you need to do is post an ideal day (or days) and window of time.
Example: I'm usually good to go on Tuesdays or Fridays around 5:30, and Sunday mornings into afternoons.
Maybe we can find some common patterns. Doesn't have to be a big ol' thing, maybe even if 3-5 people can get together here and there, that would be good.
Or we can keep quiet in our little cliques and carry on as usual
If this seems silly also let me know. I was just thinking about how I always work Wednesday nights and wondered if there were others out there like me.